Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Review Answers

At the June Solstice: The date is June 21 or 22. The part of the Earth closest to the sun is latitude 23.5 degrees north. This latitude is called the Tropic of Cancer. The length of day is 24 hours at the North Pole, and 0 hours at the South Pole. On this day, every location south of the Antarctic Circle is in darkness for 24 hours. Every location north of the Arctic Circle gets 24 hours of daylight.

At the December Solstice: The date is December 21 or 22. The part of the Earth closest to the sun is latitude 23.5 degrees south. This latitude is called the Tropic of Capricorn. The length of daylight 0 hours at the North Pole, and 24 hours at the South Pole. On this day, every location north of the Arctic Circle is in darkness for 24 hours. Every location south of the Antarctic Circle gets 24 hours of daylight.

At the March Equinox: The date is March 20 or 21. The part of the Earth closest to the sun is latitude 0. This latitude is called the Equator. The length of day is 12 hours at the Equator. Every place on Earth has 12 hours of daylight. This is the beginning of spring for the Northern Hemisphere and fall for the Southern Hemisphere.

At the September Equinox: The date is September 22 or 23. The part of the Earth closest to the sun is latitude 0. This latitude is called the Equator. Length of day is 12 hours at the Equator. Every place on Earth has 12 hours of daylight. This is the beginning of fall for the Northern Hemisphere and spring for the Southern Hemisphere.

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