Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sevens Are Doing It for Themselves

Today is the big day... The day when you create your very own blog and post your first ideas for the world to see.

Before we get started, I have one important thing to say... I try to post clear directions in this blog so that you can do most of what you need to do by yourself by reading carefully and following the steps one by one. But, I am getting lots of people asking questions that whose answers in the directions, or handing in work that doesn't follow the directions. Please check the directions carefully when you are doing your work. Links in this blog will now leave this window and open a new window to do your work. That way you can flip back and forth when you need to check the directions.

With that said, we can get started.

1. Go to
2. Click in the orange arrow that says "CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW".
3. Create a username and password for yourself. Write your username down in your English notebook.
4. Your display name will be what people see when they look at your blog and when you comment on other blogs. Your display name should be your first name(s) and the inital of your last name only. (remember the bathroom at McDonalds). You'll need a working email address to do this, so if you don't have one, open a new window and create one now.
5. Click the box to agreee to the Terms of Service. Now click the orange arrow that says "Continue".
6. Think of a title for your blog. Our class blog is called "Mr. Hide's Class", which is a little boring, but it is clear what the blog is about. Pick a title for your blog.
7. The next box is where you pick the web address for your blog. It will be "". It would make sense to pick a web address that is similar to your blog's name. A short blog address is preferable because it is easier to type in.
8. Type in the letters in the word verification box and click the orange arrow that says "Continue".
9. Now you get to choose a template. This is what your blog will look like, except it will have all the information that you put in in instead of "Sample Blog". Click the orange arrow that says "Continue".
10. Yeah! You're done. Now click the orange arrow that says "START POSTING".
11. Type your reflection on education and technology into the post window.
12. Click on the spell check button to check your spelling. (One thing I think is really funny is that the Blogger spell check tells you that the word "blog" is wrong - lol)
13. Give your post a title that tells what the main idea of your post is.
14. Take a deep breath and click "Publish Post"
15. Click on "view your blog" to see what you have created.
16. Send an email to me with your blog address so I can add your blog to this blog.

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